Tips and Tricks for a Fresh New Look for 2021
Now that the holidays are over, and now that the Christmas decorations have all been kept and stored, admit it… the house all of a sudden looks empty, right? Sans the trimmings, the garlands and the tinsels, the atmosphere is feeling bare and spare. But this could be a good thing. This could be the perfect time for you to re-evaluate the space and maybe provide just the right inspiration for a mini-makeover. The new year gives a lot of homemakers out there an opportunity to reshape and redesign the home with very minimal effort and here’s how.

Changing the layout of a given space is fun and chaotic at the same time but it is also quite cathartic. Rearranging the furniture in a given space is the next best thing to giving the home a facelift. Simply move living room furniture around and have fun in the process. Changing the layout also allows you to evaluate which pieces need to be changed or even given away and a chance for you to bring in new pieces.

The upholstery of your sofa and lounge chairs might need cleaning and shampooing after the holiday celebrations. So instead of spending on cleaning, why not do the alternative and simply reupholster. Reupholstering the sofa gives the room a totally new look by introducing a new color, a new pattern and even a new texture. If you think that reupholstering might be too much of a job then just have slip covers made. And, while you’re at it, extend the look a bit further by bringing in new curtains as well. Mix and match colors and patterns with your furniture and if you’re feeling bold and brave you can even coordinate. The resulting effect is guaranteed to create a totally different ambiance.

Repaint the walls. This might sound a bit drastic but it is guaranteed to really evoke a dramatic and recognizable change. Try going from a light to a darker shade or do the opposite. Regardless, the change is going to be so noticeable that you’d feel that you’ve moved in to a new house! Or, if you’re feeling a bit luxurious, wallpaper the walls for a textured and elegant feel.

The new year spells a new change and the home is the perfect place to start. Just make sure that you’re committed and the changes that you introduce will keep you feeling the new vibe of your home the whole year round. Start with these tips and the results are guaranteed to wow and inspire you. Be brave, be bold and just make the change!